48 52.9 N 123 34.4 W
Located on the North West side of Salt Spring Island, the Vesuvius Bay facility is located immediately to the north of the Vesuvius BC Ferry terminal in waterlot 241, Cowichan District. This float is primarily used by transient boaters and is a popular spot during the summer. Transient rates are posted (see Rates) at the wharfhead and an honor pay box with payment envelopes provided. A wharfinger regularly attends the facility to collect fees from the honor box and to note any maintenance requirements. There are no services available but emergency electrical service can be accessed by contacting the Harbour Office. Night illumination is provided and bus service and parking is available. A licensed restaurant with take-out and a coffee shop are within walking distance. There are also some short hiking trails starting in the parking lot.
It consists of a set of steps leading to a 36.6m long wooden pedestrian approach trestle, a pedestrian-only access wharfhead which is 3.lm by 6.lm, a gangway which is 11m long and 1.2m wide and a treated wood pontoon float which is 4.3m wide and 12.2m long. There is lighting at this facility.