48 45.0 N 123 33.0 W
The Musgrave Landing facility is located on the west side of Salt Spring Island, at the south end of Sansum Narrows across from Cowichan Bay, in waterlot 347, Cowichan District. This float is primarily used by transient boaters and is a popular spot during the summer. Transient rates are posted (see Rates) at the wharfhead and an honor pay box with payment envelopes provided. A wharfinger regularly attends the facility to collect fees from the honor box and to note any maintenance requirements. While there are no services at Musgrave Landing, there are a few parking spots available and road access to the Island’s city centers. The road is not surfaced and can be a challenge for low clearance vehicles during inclement weather.
There is a 26.3m pedestrian approach trestle leading to a wood covered steel gangway and floats which are 48.4m in length.